NAUI Training Assistant

If you possess the desire to assist in the training of other divers, a NAUI Training Assistant specialty course might be for you.

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If you possess the desire to assist in the training of other divers, a NAUI Training Assistant specialty course might be for you. This course will qualify you in the skills and knowledge necessary to perform as a training assistant during NAUI diver training courses overseen by an active-status NAUI Instructor. As a certified NAUI Training Assistant, you will be qualified to temporarily directly supervise students while an instructor conducts skills with other students; escort students on the surface or on underwater tours; and assist an active-status NAUI Instructor with other tasks, all under the direction of a NAUI Instructor. As a NAUI Training Assistant, you will learn more about underwater navigation, communications, how to escort and assist divers during an open water training dives and how to assist with problem management during diver training evolutions.


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